Sunday, 18 November 2012

Christmas Countdown

Five weeks till Christmas (or thereabouts)!  Have you already given up on your fitness and weight loss goals and resigned yourself to the inevitable with a view to restarting in January?

Don't!!  Five weeks is a long time in fitness and weight loss terms.  Also, if your diet deteriorates so will the quality of your sleep and your ability to deal with stress.  You will become sluggish, lethargic, grumpy and overwhelmed - not what you need at this time of year!

If you manage the next five weeks properly, you can sail through the festive season bestowing goodwill and happiness to all! What do you reckon?  Don't give in to the mince pies yet!

Make a plan:

1. Stock freezer up with lots of good quality stews, soups and casseroles to stop you reaching for the takeaway menu when you run out of time (and energy)
2. Eat lots of veg - frozen is as good as fresh at this time of year, particularly if you are short on time. Add lots of veg to every meal to keep your vitamin and mineral levels up - this will keep you healthy and firing on all cylinders.
3. Control your indulgences - keep your treats to the christmas party, christmas day, etc - other times eat as well as you can then you can enjoy them guilt-free. Do the same with Alcohol!
4. Get lots of sleep - get to bed before 10.30pm most of the time then the holiday parties will not leave you too exhausted.
5. Exercise - most days if you can.  A walk, jog, ten minute HIIT or resistance session will reap huge benefits for your fitness and your stress levels. (I will blog shortly on fitting quality exercise into limited time).

In summary, plan things and you will stay in control.  If you feel in control you will be able to enjoy the festive season fully without it leaving you exhausted, stressed and guilty that you have over-indulged yet again!  Good luck.

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