It's always important to look back and review things - give yourself a pat on the back when you've done well and evaluate what you can improve or change. It's what I do after my classes to improve my teaching and with my personal training clients. So, there is no reason why I shouldn't do it on my own personal challenge.
All in all, a good week - fitted in two runs, one resistance session, two pilates sessions, could have done with one more run and resistance session but this week has been very busy and today I am pretty tired - recovery took priority. Lost 1lb so am pretty happy although can't see any physical changes yet!
Today (Sunday) has been wet and cold (so no inclination to run anyway!). Did some baking with the children which meant, (obviously!) some sampling too (great smartie biscuits and weirdly coloured-icing fairy cakes)!
So, improvements for next week? Fit in all the sessions I have scheduled. Diet okay - (just no more fairy cakes!)
Hope you are succeeding in your challenge too. If you haven't set one - get to it! Set a goal, work out how much time you have, write a plan and follow it! Simple, eh?
Oh - confession time - forgot to mention the pancakes for breakfast!
Have got my diary out and scheduled in my training sessions - a slower week next week work-wise so am determined to do all the sessions.